Our Services


We can assist you to ensure that you have the highest level of success fufilling the official requirements of the country of destination.

Long-Term Residency

We render assistance in completing all paperwork required by Immigration and Citizenship Canada,
Australia ETC

Work/Visit Visa

Our services covers both within and outside Canada. An open work permit allows you to work for any employer within the desired country.

Study Permits and Study Visa

ATIS Immigration Service has a list of colleges with whom affiliation is confirmed. In 2015, we have placed more than 150 students in Canada and many more to go. As a fact that is more than 6,000 students from all around Nigeria come to study in Canada every year and even more come to us. We have a list of of best Institutes to study in British Columbia, Canada and other provinces where you can increase your skills and get practical knowledge while studying.

Workers Immigration

Skilled worker is a person who can compete and succeed in the country’s knowledge-based economy and has the ability to be self-supporting upon arrival in Canada. In order to qualify, the applicant must score a minimum of 75 points out of the possible 100 points.

Family Immigration

Members of the Family Class are people sponsored to come to Canada by a relative, a spouse, a common-law partner or a conjugal partner who is a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada.The Family Class applicant must be the sponsor’s: Spouse, common-law or conjugal partner; dependent child, including a child adopted abroad; child under 18 to be adopted in Canada; parents or grandparents; or an orphaned child under 18 who is a brother, sister, niece, nephew or grandchild.

How do I start?

We can begin an evaluation of your chances of immigration to Canada today!
You can start by completing our Paid Online EvaluationImmigration Form/questionnaire.Within 48hrs of receiving your completed questionnaire, we will advise you of your chances for immigrating to Canada, as well as the cost of our services should you qualify.
We treat each questionnaire with strict confidentiality.
In addition to this  we also assist in evaluating your chances of the exercise and advise on how to get higher chances.

Canadian Citizenship

To become a Canadian Citizen via the immigration route, you must be 18 years of age or over; must be in Canada legally as a “permanent resident”; must have lived in Canada for at least three years out of the four years right before you apply; must be able to communicate in English or French; and must learn about Canada.

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